Sunday, December 18, 2011

Double Life, Two Genders


Some quick heads ups':

- This roleplay uses 'Realistic' pictures. no anime, peeps. Sorry! PM me if you want to see an anime version with a different, maybe similar premise. If I get enough requests, I'll make it this weekend. XD

- The pictures below are only for show. Use your own if you want! :D




Felicia "Cherry" Williams. A name at Roland College that got all the guys looking up, and all the girls envying her. She had it all: An athletic body with Curves, Silky hair, an endowed chest, fluffy buns, a wardrobe that doesn't care about the dress code, and so much more. She's a real popular girl, A Cheerleader: Not the captain, and not any hotter than the other girls, but she knows how to make her looks work perfectly. When she's not at school cheering or looking good, she loves to dance, play a sport like volleyball, and has even been known to do a little wrestling, especially when some girl thinks Felicia stole her man, and wants to catfight her. All the men wanna see her make a few dozen porno's, even if it's just a video of her sucking on an Eclair.

She's already got a deal to act as a small time model to get some big bucks, and believe it or not, actually does it for a minor magazine on sports, movies, video games, pro-wrestling, etc. She's boosted their readers to a million in a matter of 20 days. When she's not modeling, she helps out as a waitress at a local cafe.

Most of all though, she loves to




Even if it was just small talk. speaking that way gave her thrills...


But then there's the truth to it all.

Felicia Williams is not as she seems?something is under her tight pink shirt, and it ain't just her knockers?it's also in her panties. And it ain't her glory hole...


Felicia is actually a geek: and a guy, at that. A guy who had a major lab accident, gaining a condition that allows him to turn into a female, his body physically forming into the opposite gender in mere minutes. He discovered this change as he 'matured' in his high school years, and had to learn to live with his 'issue.' However, at some point, he realized that people really liked Felicia. Not just the populars, everyone: Felicia was normally nice, a pretty good student, and mostly an angel. She had a slight bitch reflex, but she was really accepted, not like her other self, who was rejected the day he walked in, and never given a chance no matter what he did. But then, he had almost full control of his body: granted, he couldn't handle 'that time of the month' that easily, had a bit more romantic/lustful side (he learned to like guys when he turns into a chick. Go figure.), and his 'nag-bitch' reflex as he calls it. Since those days, he's been able to maintain a routine that keeps he and Felicia getting all their work done. Felicia shows up for half of 'A' Day's, and shows up for most of the 'B' days, which has actually given him enough time to do everything that he needs to get done with over the course of the day.

Things have been looking perfect: the transformation still takes a few moments for those extra parts to come in, and previous ones to leave and re-shape, but he can will it in, but still has a few moments where something doesn't go right As Felicia, she's been keeping her eye on an up and coming Jock who has a close level of popularity, whom she has some lovey feelings for, as well as a sexual need to be with him.

Things start to get complicated when he begins to wonder if he should take back his old life as a guy: and the meeting of an old friend who has a small crush on Felicia, and would probably be devastated to find out his best friend disappeared, and she left him in the dust. Not to mention all these screwy feelings may just turn all those easy transformations into a fear of being caught during the change, and a thought out, simple routine schedule into a disaster.

will 'Felicia' choose wisely??


You MUST make the sheet first and let me see it to see if it's good enough for the RP.

1) 'Felicia'/The Geek

Main Character, also owns an entire dorm to his/herself. The Geek's 'lair' has a secret passage thing into a more girly room, AKA Felicia's hideout.

Must make two slots for each identity. Make the Geek's sheet first, and let me see it before I let you make Felicia's.

2) The Rising Jock

a decent guy among meatheads, who has Felicia's horomones raging, a bit more by way of lust than romance, but she still likes him as a person.

3) The Old Friend (JayZeroSnake)

An old friend of 'Felicia's' who doesn't know the secret.

4) The Sister

Felica's older sister. Sarcastic, and never a bore to be around. She taught 'Felicia' the 'Art of womanhood' and see's a younger version of herself in her sibling. She's bi, and has an interest in the 'Old friend' if Felicia doesn't fall for him first.


Character Sheet requirements:


Optional Character Sheet info:

Fun Facts
Theme Song


wayne gretzky wayne gretzky occupy los angeles occupy los angeles comedian patrice o neal occupy philadelphia occupy philadelphia

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